Should you jump on the hype train or wait a little longer?
Novel CBD food brings with it a number of challenges, and not just at the regulatory level. Even if you want to integrate it into your chocolates or pralines, there are a few hurdles to overcome, as Michael Salge from AHERZ Schokolade und Kakao reveals in this presentation.
As a qualified technician, DI Michael Salge BSc. a career changer in the bean-to-bar chocolate and praline world. His technical approach and keen sense of taste have helped him build a brand with AHERZ chocolate and cocoa that not only delights regional palates, but also earns high marks from international critics. DACH gold for its Piedmont Hazelnut Cream and World Silver & Bronze for its Strawberry and Raspberry White creations at the International Chocolate Awards are worthy of mention here. But he also has an eye on future markets such as the CBD and THC edible market and shares his experiences with ZDS Solingen.